

Soooooo before I post what I did for comic-con this year I thought I would share what my current project is so here we are !! So I came across this amazing artist at mcm comic-con this year… so good that I bought two of his pictures but then I went through his instagram page…


So like I alluded to in my last post I’m going to start with the comic-con suits I wore in 2022 so here it is ! So if you couldn’t tell I went as jd fenix from gears 4 and as much as it was a challenge to make I did learn a lot from…

Now I’m actually back

So I have taken a very long hiatus from both this website and prop making for quite a while, and though I picked up the ol foam and knife recently to make a suit for london Comic-Con, this site still wasn’t shown the attention it was needed. Until now! The next few posts will be…

ODST helmet part 3

More work has been done on the set of helmets so here we are. I left off with the base of the helmet in a good position so it was time to work on the side pieces that sit on either side of the cheeks, and also the top of the helmet. Trial and error…

ODST helmet part 2

Hello again everyone. Only a week has passed from the first part of this build but a fair amount of work has been completed on the build so I thought it was a good time to show how far they have come. You can see below where things were left off The next step was…

ODST Helmets part 1

So here it is the first post for this project. I was commissioned to create a set of 3 ODST helmets for a group cosplay that will be happening later this year. seeing as I am already making 3 I decided to make one for myself as well as it had been a couple years…

3D printing

Over the last few weeks I have been getting to grips with a new 3D printer the “Creality 3D Ender-5 3D Printer” I have been printing small projects to find the best settings to use and now have been printing bigger parts which can now be used in certain props One such project was the…

The 2020 plan

Hello all . I thought it was high time I gave you an update on whats happening here at UMAPROPS this new year, (even though we are already a month and a half in haha) So here are the projects that are currently in the works at the moment, some carrying over from last year.…

Complete Gears armour suit

This is just a quick slideshow about the gears of war armour to show how it started, to the middle, to the end. if you want to see the full break down of the build then here are the respective posts. happy reading!

Gears of war armour week 5 the Finale!!

so my internet friends, here we are at the end of this 5 week journey. From pictures on the internet, to body form templating, to foam fabrication and now, painting it. The last thing I did was prep the foam for painting which meant sealing it using mod podge. Then using my trusty airbrush and…

Gears of war armour week 4

Another Monday……another update on the project! So when we left off I had just soldered wires to the LED strips that were going to be used on the suit. Before I soldered them together and onto the adafruit chip, I wanted to check to see if the code would work and light up properly. After…

Gears of war armour week 3

Hey there prop and costume fans. Here we are again with the next weekly update on the JD Fenix armour. The last part I had done last week was attaching the front and back pieces via the shoulder, allowing me to see if my big head would fit through the gap. spoiler alert… did! So…

Gears of war armour week 2

its the second week of this build and the last month of the year. Where has this year gone!! So this week I was able to do a decent amount of work on the armour itself. I was able to finish the front of the armour pieces and then moved onto the back. With the…

New project start

So as you all know, earlier this year I finished painting the gears of war lancer, from gears of war 4, that I built last year. With that it would feel just wrong if I didn’t make the armour to go with it right, and so that is exactly what I started yesterday. I really…

Im back!

So after a very lengthly break over the summer months and the start of autumn I’m back!!! While props and commissions have been made in during this time I haven’t had a chance to update this site so that is completely my bad. so what have I been working on recently? An anbu black ops…

Redhood mk 2 Armour

so its not real secret that I think Redhood/ Jason Todd is a bad ass and so I decided to create another Redhood costume, and I started with the chest piece. I wanted to go for a tactical-ish version of him so decided with a look that resembles armour plates, which would protect the chest…

gears of war lancer update

Just a quick update on how close the lancer is to being finished. The rifle is about 90%-95% complete. the main body of the rifle is done and dusted and all that need to be done now is paint and attach both the chainsaw revving handle and the flashlight. I haven’t decided if the flashlight…

Trying something new

With how popular and widely available 3D prints and 3D printers are these days, I have been re-learning how to use auto-cad, specifically ‘Fusion 360’ so that I can finally purchase my first 3D printer at the end of the month. The minute I get it I will set it up, print something and give…

Upcoming projects for 2019

so the year is coming to an end and I am already looking forward to the projects that I will both finish, as I have already started them, and projects that I have yet to start!!  Below are some of the projects that at some point I will finish next year:  REDHOOD MANDALORIAN (MY OWN…

Cyborg cowboy

Another year …… Another halloween!! This year I decided to go and make something that isn’t from a comic or game or anything along those lines.  Essentially I had a vague concept, and decided to just run with it. Got some inspiration from the net and just used my imagination as well. Like many of my builds everything was…


Time to jump feet first into hell!  I have always wanted to say that. So I finally got around to tackling this armour build, something I have wanted to do for about two/three years now. The ODST’s, Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (badass name I know), are part of the special operations branch of the UNSC in the halo universe.…

Blog of the week

so this is “blog of the week” number 1! how exciting!! Thought I would kick this one off with sharing with you the work of one of my close friends Justin C. We have worked together in the past on several projects, “Deathstroke vs batgirl”, “strong arm again” and the most recent one being the…

Halo M6 Pistol

During my time looking through amazon I came across this little a toy replica of the m6 pistol that appears in various halo games. Me being the impulse buyer that I am I bought it straight away and thought it would be a good little project to repaint. Here is the link if you want to have a…

Blog of the week

Starting soon, There will be a blog posted every other Tuesday featuring something wonderful I have found when scrolling through the inter-webs. These might include: cosplayers both professional and new comers prop and costume guides tutorial videos Art work The blog will include links to those featured on it so you can see more of…


Ahhhh Jason Todd, from boy wonder to jokers punching bag, lazarus pit to anti-hero red hood. You have been on quite a roller-coaster ride. Maybe that is why I decided to make you. Or maybe because I wanted to try and look cool in a leather jacket.  As with most of my other projects, eva foam would be…

AR-1 Pistol

This was just a very quick project when I had some free time and a few materials left over from previous projects. So I took a toy gun from this: To this: To this: I had a lot of fun on this project as I had to think of ways to change the existing gun…


so this is the gun that is present during ‘republic commando’ game, which was a great game!!! they need to make a second one! Anyway the DC-17m in its blaster form is the first weapon you are given in the game and I must say it is pretty cool even by star wars standard, which is quite…

Lancer MK2

So whats better than an assault rifle? an assault rifle with a chainsaw bayonet of course! Gears of war has been one of my favourite game franchise since its beginning back in 2006 and I am really excited for the next chapter, being gears of war 4. Now that I’ve played all the games and read all the…

Next Project confirmed

I am a huge fan of the starship troopers franchise, well the first, fourth and fifth film that is, and thought the mobile infantry were pretty cool, even though they are used as cannon fodder a lot. I thought the look of the troopers in the fourth and fifth films were awesome as they are…

Strong-arm Repaint

Nerf guns are pretty cool as they come in the box but I wanted to take one and give it its own theme.  If you do not know already I am a big fan of video games, and first person shooters is one genre I can safely say I have sunk in countless hours into. One game…