Soooooo before I post what I did for comic-con this year I thought I would share what my current project is so here we are !!

So I came across this amazing artist at mcm comic-con this year… so good that I bought two of his pictures but then I went through his instagram page and found more goodies including the one below

And here it is what I am currently working on,m! I won’t be making the armour I am just focusing on the shotgun/lasgun hybrid and below is the progress I have made so far in order.

The bulk of the body which will be skinned with thin foam
The front of the boot itself. I plan to have it move back and forth like a functioning bolt

In the next post I will show how exactly how I have figured out the moving bolt and the next steps of the making process so stay tuned

ALSO here’s the website to the amazing artist I got the inspiration from and his awesome work go check it out

I’ll see you guys in the next post !!!