Deathstroke (batman Arkham origins)

“Your methods and tactics are impressive, but inferior. They will not save you.”

Slade Wilson, better known as Deathstroke, is one of, if not the deadliest assassin that batman has ever gone up against. The link below can show you of that, he can fight just as well as batman!

So why Deathstroke??

Here’s a few reasons:

1) He is cool

2) One of the top mercenaries in the DC universe, commonly hired to take down batman and the teen titans. 

3) Is a walking arsenal with his twin ninjato blades, handgun, ballistic staff and more

4) Though he is an assassin he follows a warrior code and has a sense of honour. 

5) His armour in Arkham Origins and knight is (in my opinion) the best out of his armours from video games, comics and tv appearances.

6) Finally, I wanted a new and fairly difficult challenge when it came creating armour for cosplay.  

The mask

This is arguably his most iconic piece of armour that he as, from the two completely different tones of colour to the fact that his right eye is completely covered by the armoured mask. (The picture below is when 80% of the mask was complete) 

The armour 

Made up of several pieces of foam and arranged in a way that it gives it more depth than just one piece of flat foam. The back armour was made in the same way to create that much needed depth, though most of it is covered by the sword sheath. 

The rest of the armour was created in 3 different ways: 

1) Making templates off my body with the use of foil, masking tape and a helping hand from a friend. this was used for the gauntlets and the thigh armour. 

2) Making templates off a previous body form. This was done for the lower leg armour.

3) Using trial and error to make the rest of the pieces. This was done for the shoulder pieces and the knee pads.  

With all the pieces of armour done it was time for painting. I decided to paint the armour before making the accessories as it made sense to focus and finish one set of pieces before moving onto the next. 

Now that all the armour pieces were done it was time to start on all the extra pieces, such as the pouches, belts and weapons, as deathstroke would be a bad mercenary if he had no weapons. 

As stated earlier, deathstroke is a walking arsenal with both melee and projectile weapons. Though Deathstroke uses a desert eagle, I plan on using a blue M1911 as I already have one. All I had to do was create the holster. 

The swords and the sheath were made through a little bit of trial and error (something i am good at apparently)

And when it comes to the pouches I was able to make both dummy pouches and functional ones. 

With the weapons and pouches made and painted the last step was to strap everything together, bolt it onto the armour and do a final check to see what else had to be made/procured. 

And here we are all finished and already seen action at MCM Birmingham comic-con!!! next to batman of all people.